Did you know that August 15th is apparently National Leather Craft Day? Apparently back in 2018 this day was established as a day that “honors the rich heritage, artistry, and skill of leathercrafting.” Certainly no argument from me there. Working with leather is a wide ranging subject and there are so many things you can do with it. My main focus of carving leather is just a small part of what people all over the country do to work with leather on a daily basis.
According to the website National Day Calendar this holiday was created:
National Leathercraft Day recognizes the dedication and creativity of leather workers. Passionately, their inspiration comes alive through their designs and time-honored traditions. When a leatherworker designs a piece, expect outstanding quality and skill.
According to the site you can try taking a class to learn leathercraft or you can order a handcrafted item from your favorite leather worker. In case you want to order anything from me, you can check out my Etsy shop at: https://www.etsy.com/shop/CandBLeather
If you want to see more of the description of this day of celebration you can click here: https://nationaldaycalendar.com/national-leathercraft-day-august-15/