When I post my work on my Instagram or Facebook pages, one of the consistent questions I get has to do with some of the geometric stamps that I use. People see stamps like the ones below and they send me messages asking “who makes them and where can I get them?”

I don’t blame people for really liking these stamps. I remember the first time I saw any of these and how I fell in love with them right off the bat.
I’ve known Wayne Jueschke for more than 10 years now. I first met him at a Rocky Mountain Leather Trade show in Sheridan, WY where he is perennially a vendor. I was immediately struck by the quality of the stamps and the crispness of their impressions. Despite the fact that they are expensive, I bought a couple that year and I’ve bought a few every year since when I go to that show.
Wayne is a retired machinist and his desire for precision and quality definitely show. I feel that Wayne Jueschke geometric stamps are some of the finest stamps in the business and he has some unique designs that no one else is making. I’m especially fond of his box stamps but Wayne makes basket stamps (that are outstanding too, I have a couple) as well as bevelers and border stamps. And I have a couple of his flower centers that are really nice too.

The tricky part about getting Wayne’s stamps is that he does not have a web site, doesn’t sell on line and in fact he doesn’t even take credit cards. If you wanted some of his stamps you pretty much had to run into him at a show or call him up and place an order, and then be prepared to pay by cash or check. It’s one of the reasons that I get so many questions when I post my work using his stamps. They just are not that common and someone is usually going to ask me 1) who makes that stamp and 2) how do I get one? For years all I could do was give them Wayne’s phone number or tell them look for him at the next trade show.
Fortunately now there is a website you can order some of Wayne Juescke’s stamps from. Bruce Johnson who normally sells vintage tools on his website is now carrying some of Wayne’s new stamps and mauls for sale. He has a dedicated page to these tools and he will take credit cards and ship internationally, so those of you who follow me overseas now finally have an option to get some of Wayne’s stamps!
If you would like to call Wayne (he’s a great guy to talk to!) to place an order you can reach him at 775-738-4885. He’s based in Elko, NV. Tell him Bob Blea says hi!