Leatherworking Resources

If you are a leather worker or want to be a leather worker, this is just a reminder that I have some tutorials on leather carving and leather stamping on my website.  Just go to the Resources section and look for the tutorials there.  They are written to provide an overview to a beginner of the process steps I go through for carving floral elements in leather.

Hand tooling a flower in leather.
Process of carving a flower in leather.

I also have leatherwork tutorials on stamping basket weave designs.  These focus on the basket stamp but the techniques apply to other types of geometric stamps.  I do want to create a tutorial on geometric stamping at some point so stay tuned for that.

Let me know about any other sort of leatherwork tutorials  you would like to see here.  I’m also working on developing a YouTube channel that will have leatherwork tutorials and tips for the leather worker at all ranges of skill levels.  If there is something you would like to see or know more about how I do it, drop me a note in the comments about what you are interested in or let me know your questions.  I’ll answer it in the comments if I can and it may just be something you will see in a future tutorial or video here on this site!

Leatherwork Tutorials

Leatherwork involves a lot of diverse skills and there are many different ways you can follow your interests.  Maybe tooling and carving leather isn’t your thing.  Maybe you enjoy designing and assembling hand bags our of exotic leather more and don’t care about carving and tooling.  Maybe your interest is in leather restoration.  Whatever you area of interest is in let me know what you would like to see and if I have knowledge or information to share on it I will.  I learned because other leatherworkers were willing to share their knowledge and now I want to pay that forward and share what I know to help others.

3 thoughts on “Leatherworking Resources

  1. Dear Sir,
    I am presently writing an article for the Leathercrafters Journal. The topic is tool sharpening, maintenance, and use. Can you offer any suggestions? Presently, I will be citing Al Stohlman’s Leathercraft Tools, Leatherwork.net, YouTube.com? Can you offer any other resources that leathercrafters might use that might be of value in terms of sharpening, maintenance, and use of leatherworking tools? Thank you for your time!!!

    1. Hello Miguel,
      Paul Zalesak at Leather Wranglers has a book he sells on sharpening that is a collection of articles he wrote for the Leathercrafters Journal and it goes into a lot of detail on sharpening. It’s a very good resource specifically with swivel knives. I would highly recommend it. Hope this helps!

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